Mentorship Program for Senior Students

Mentorship Program for Senior Students

Ikhlas Foundation has initiated a mentorship program with Tchundwa Primary schools where each senior student in grade 8 has been assigned to a volunteer mentor to help support and advice the students as they enter their final year of school.

The objective of the mentorships is for the mentor to take special interest in promoting the growth and development of the student and learning at school and madrassa. The mentor will help the student to:

  1. Optimise an educational and spiritual experience
  2. Develop into a successful individual
  3. Assist the student’s socialisation into a disciplinary culture
  4. Help the student find suitable opportunities

This programme is for the 1st stage of mentorship – at Primary level. They will then be expected to be active on follow-ups from the time they sign up. The respective parents will also be briefed on the arrangement for them to agree for their child to be mentored. A mentor can take more than one student at any given time.

If you want to mentor a student, fee free to contact us at