The Trustees are overall responsible for the management of the organisation to ensure that projects and activities meet the stated mission and objectives the Foundation. We are committed to manage the financial resources and projects efficiently and effectively with accountability, transparency and professionalism.
Trustees and Founders:
Omar Bwana: A resident of Lamu, Mr. Omar Bwana is a renowned Kenyan ethnologist with a distinguished career in politics, environmental, heritage, and cultural conservation. Awarded the Officer’s Cross of Merit from the Republic of Germany, 25 years Service Award from the National Museums of Kenya. He has served as a Director of the National Museums of Kenya, a member of the Kenya National Assembly, a member of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) General Assembly, as National Chairman of ICOM Kenya, a member of the Aga Khan Education Board and is a life member of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. He has been on several boards and committees that seek to improve the environmental and social standards locally and nationally. He is currently a representative on the Pate Conservancy under the Northern Rangelands Trust.
Tahreni Bwanaali: Ms. Bwanaali is a resident of Lamu and Founder of the ILHAM Project. Ms Bwanaali has recognized experience in management, ICT, and administration. Worked in senior positions in public and private sectors including the Kenya Wildlife Services, and KEMRI Welcome Trust Research Programme. She has served in voluntary positions in many organizations, including as Honorary Warden for KWS, tribunal member of the Retirement Benefit Tribunal (RBT), a Board member of the former Kenya College of Communication and Technology, Kesho organization, Moving the Goal Post (MTG) and the Kivukoni International School.
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