With educated mothers and girls, amazing things start to happen.
While the world focuses only on educating children, we are cognizant of the fact that mothers are the core foundation for a brighter future and education for children. We also believe that a combination of both secular and Islamic education are strong foundations in bringing up an empowered future generation of women.
Unfortunately, for centuries, girls have been prevented on seeking further islamic education due to early marriages and cultural barriers, and in more rennet contemporary history, girls have also faced limitations in accessing a secular education as well.
We have two main areas of interest
1. To sustain Islamic education of women and girls at the first women-only learning institution on the island. We have donated land and supported the construction of a new permanent home for Madrassatul Ikhlas, a women-only institute with female-only teachers in Tchundwa village. The institute will give the women and girls fa more suitable learning environment that they are comfortable to be free to reach their maximum potential. We started with 15 students in 2016, and currently have 43 students and three female teachers. The students get a free education in the institute which were are looking to sustain through support from well wishers.
2. To provide scholarships for further education of girls and women in both secular and Islamic education. There are currently no scholarships for further education in Islamic studies for women and girls. Furthermore, there level of education in Tchundwa is very low, as such many young girls miss out on national scholarships and bursaries to help them advance in secular education. Our aim is to address both by giving financial support to those seeking to advance their education in both secular education and Islamic studies.
We encourage people of goodwill around the world to support our campaign so that they can make a significant impact in creating better opportunities for them to have a positive impact in society. The future of our world is only as bright as our women and girls.